Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Supports from Educational Institution

This time I will introduce Indonesia green movements that have brought educational institution to involve in sustainability.  According to this article from GBCI, in “the Declaration of Interdependence for Sustainable Future” in Chicago 1993, Indonesia has agreed to implement sustainability in every area.  I think I am late to know this…  However, the implementation was firstly done in one of the building construction project for Wisma Dharmala Sakti.  The building was done in 1988 and used Indonesian traditional architecture concept by Paul Rudolph (refer to this website and this website). 

Picture 1 Wisma Dharmala, Jakarta.  Photographed by: Melissa MD

            Furthermore, launched in 2010—University of Indonesia (UI) —UI Green Metric (refer to this link), has been used as a challenged to all universities world-wide to involve in the international ranking of green campus.  This is one of the implementation movements in Indonesia of applying ranking system to sustainability challenge.   By referring to the guidelines, the USGBC LEED and GBCI GREENSHIP system have been used as a basic of this ranking system.  

Picture 2 Criteria for UI Green Metric

This is interesting step to invite all universities which are the most fundamental knowledge center to involve in the green act.  

Picture 3 UI Green Metric logo
I think by following this system at least most people around the world who want to enter university internationally, know the university at the first sight.   As a matter of fact, to encourage the green university, UI has also implemented the green architecture and done in 2010 for a library building. (refer to this website).  

Picture 4 UI Green Library, Depok.  Photograph courtesy of Universitas Indonesia
             In addition, Indonesia has also opened a green school under Green School Community Association (GSCA), further information see this website. This is open to the public and is a collaborative idea to the sustainability.  This school located in Bali and encouraged by a nature-based school.  It incorporates not only the use of bamboo-based architecture from PT Bamboo Bandung but also green energy to its operational.  Again, it is interesting one of the school goals is to avoid Indonesian rain-forest depletion (more graphics can be accessed via this website and this website). 

   Picture 5 Green School, Bali.  Photographed by: Iwan Baan

Picture 6 Green School, Bali.  Photograph courtesy of PT. Bambu Bandung

 Picture 7 Green School, Bali.  Photographed by: Ahkamul Hakim
Picture 8 Green School, Bali.  Photographed by: Iwan Baan

            Energy independence refers to the two systems of renewable energy that are coming from stand-alone photovolataics system and a vortex hydro generator.  These systems have been claimed to fulfill all energy needs in the school operational. 

Picture 9 Solar Photovoltaics, by: GSCA
Picture 10 Vortex-hydro generator, by: GSCA
            It is obvious that some people in Indonesia especially in the educational field have been trying to implement sustainability.  How about the industry, probably I need to further investigate the role of Industry in sustainability..

NB:  Green Act: 14.4 miles  = 0.475 gallons oil
        Cumulative 44.4 miles  = 1.465 gallons oil

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Movements to Sustainability Implementation: Indonesia GBCI-Greenship , USGBC LEED and Green Globes

Many countries have tried to have their own green building standard which of course will bring the sustainability movements predictable.  I got my brand new knowledge when the time took course called High Performance Green Building in the University of Florida.  The course mainly explores and compares especially US Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system (further information about LEED can be seen at this website) and Green Globe certification system.  Green Globes was initially developed in Canada.  However, recently this rating system has been becoming collaborative works from both US and Canada. (Further information about Green Globes, please see this website).   

Picture 1 USGBC-LEED 

The final product of the course was the implementation of both certification systems into a case study for the existing building in the University of Florida (UF) campus.   It was a teamwork project.   Although it was a simulation, the experience of conducting certification process was challenging.  It was started with the interview with some users up to a rigorous decision making process for renovating the existing building case study.  The target was to gain a Silver rating for LEED and three globes for Green Globes.  It was achievable target!  Our team got 75 points out of 110 (we used LEED-NC for this purpose) and 790 out of 1000 achievable points for Green Globes.
                At the first time, we had a hard time to give the suggestion about the renovation.  I worked with my team to target the rating, i.e. Gold for LEED rating and three globes for Green Globes rating.  However, the final question of the simulation should be addressed to the real implementation which will of course collide with the “capital investment”.  We took a model of using photovoltaics system to the roofing system, and the result of the life-cycle cost was amazing, yet it was high cost-intensive project to implement.  We planned to do some retrofits in the Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems that we assessed to be urgently required based on our interview.  In results, the total cost was huge.  Hence, despite the possible saving over the building entire life, the question remains has no answer.  Who will fund this project?  In the short few years—from the facts that UF has owned 50 green buildings inside the campus—I am sure most buildings in UF campus will become green buildings.   According to UF Green Building Program, the campus currently has own 1 Platinum, 16 Gold, 3 Silver, 8 Certified and 2 registered projects as well as 20 buildings registered under newer system LEED version 3. (Further information for UF Green Building Projects, please see this website).  This amazing achievement has shown the commitment to the sustainability of the University of Florida.
              In 2009, the year that I was firstly aware about sustainability, Indonesia developed a new certification system for Green Building named Greenship, under Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) and already registered as one member of World Green Building Council (WGBC).  I am sure this will lead to the Indonesian societies to be more sustainable in their infrastructure development programs.  For more additional information about the rating system, please access this website.  I think later it will be interesting to compare GBCI rating system to the existing green building rating system in the US.

Picture 2 Indonesia GBCI-Greenship

NB:  Green Act: 14.4 miles  = 0.475 gallons oil
        Cumulative 30.0 miles  = 0.990 gallons oil